The Board
The 53rd
Bram van Etten
Stijn Verputten
Saskia Thus
Officer of External Relations:
Eva van Essenveldt
Educational Officer:
Floor Wiersma
Project Manager:
Maarten van Asseldonk
The 52nd
Empowering performance
Sebastiaan Hooijschuur
Daphne Schijvenaars
Marjolein de Been
Officer of External Relations:
Tom Koks
Educational Officer:
Tamara Schouten
Project Manager:
Hilde Weerts
The 51st
Pursuing Excellence
Robbert van Genuchten
Jochem Kamst
Elke Merx
Officer of External Relations:
Dylan Rijnen
Educational Officer:
Justin van Heel
Project Manager:
Joep van den Bogaert
The 50th
Maximizing your value
Loek Botman
Cas van Elderen
Debora Katerberg
Officer of External Relations:
Evertjan Peer
Educational Officer:
Loek Jongen
Project Manager:
Maarten Koek
The 49th
Exceeding Excellence
Joeri Spoor
Miriam Penders
Manon Dubois
Officer of External Relations:
Kim Steffers
Educational Officer:
Marle Muselaers
Project Manager:
Koen Bressers
The 48th
Vinny Tumelaire
Jurriën Klinkert
Richard van Baardwijk
Officer of External Relations:
Afshan Anzar
Educational Officer:
Teun van Hal
The 47th
Nadine van Helvoort
Tom Henkens
Linda Brands
Officer of External Relations:
Kelly Klawer
Educational Officer:
Martijn van Aspert
Project Manager:
Jasper Schuijbroek
The 46th
Rob Weteling
Ying Ye
Anne Basten
Officer of External Relations:
Annella Slob
Educational Officer:
Lizanne Pieters
The 45th
Rick Coppens
Bart Leenders
Maurice Smedts
Officer of External Relations:
Frans van de Weijer
Educational Officer:
Geert Jongen
The 44th
Roy Puijman
Maurice Marcizinski
Karin Vernooij
Officer of External Relations:
Lotte van den Eijnde
Educational Officer:
Jeroen van Duren
The 43rd
Chairman: Ronald Beekhuizen
Secretary: Martien Kusters
Treasurer: Stefan Roza
Officer of External Relations: Roy Arts
Educational Officer: Sarah Bongers
The 42nd
Chairman: Daniël Gooijer
Secretary: Rutger Ploeger
Treasurer: Peter de Lange
Officer of External Relations: Bart Weerts
Educational Officer: Floris Langendoen
The 41st
Chairman: Ben Buiks
Secretary: Marjolijn Jochemsen
Treasurer: Arjen Beijk
Officer of External Relations: Rosalie Dijkman
Educational Officer: Remco van Geest
Officer of Internal Relations: Dirk van den Hengel
The 40th
Chairman: Willemijn Leegwater
Secretary: Steef Pelgröm
Treasurer: Paul Peeters
Officer of External Relations: Sébastian Bours
Educational Officer: Laura Kluijtmans
The 39th
Chairman: Rogier Berben
Secretary: Marloes Claassen
Treasurer: Miranka Slabbers
Officer of External Relations: Willem de Groot
Educational Officer: Judith de Winter
The 38th
Chairman: Paul Enders
Vice-Chairman: Bob van Eekelen
Secretary: Wouter Kunst
Treasurer: Jasper Noort
Officer of External Relations: Onno Steins
Educational Officer: Niels van Riel
Officer of Internal Relations: Robbert van Vught
The 37th
Chairman: Mark Dekker
Secretary & Educational Officer: Martijn van Giessel
Treasurer: Karen Jager
Officer of External Relations: Philip van Uden
The 36th
Chairman: Derk Jan Vermeer
Secretary: Sanne Vriens
Treasurer: Pieter Bouwmans
Officer of External Relations: Peter Schram
Educational Officer: Martijn Kampinga
The 35th
Chairman: Martijn Melens
Secretary: Jan-Willem Scheele
Treasurer: Berry van der Meij
Officer of External Relations: Marguérite Haans
Educational Officer: Sonja Weijmarshausen
The 34th
Chairman: Jan-Willem Meiburg
Secretary: Regina van Montfoort
Treasurer: Niels Reuvers
Officer of External Relations: Martijn Messemaker
Educational Officer: Daan Dingjan
The 33rd
Chairman: Victor Ponsioen
Secretary: Edwin Roelen
Treasurer: Alexander Min
Officer of External Relations: Tjarda de Heer
Educational Officer: Michiel Nota
The 32nd
Chairman: Martin Muysers
Vice-Chairman: Karin Eijsink
Secretary: Rachid Maghnouji
Treasurer: Auke Jan Kroon
Officer of External Relations: Floris van den Biggelaar
Educational Officer: Peter Noppen
Officer of International Activities: Marcel van der Elst
The 31st
Chairman: Remco Vlemmix
Vice-Chairman: Stefan Reijmers
Secretary: Theo Vermeer
Treasurer: Kees Huige
Officer of External Relations: Gerben Huijs
Educational Officer: Remco Jansen
Officer of International Activities: Gabriëlle Jansen
The 30th
Chairman: Houkje Janssen
Secretary: Wim Slagboom
Treasurer: Paul van Dun
Officer of External Relations: Martijn Hagens
Educational Officer: Karolien Kerssen
Officer of Congress: Mark Lenssen
Officer of International Studytour: Jeroen Domensino
Project & Lustrum Manager: Johan Beekhuizen
The 29th
Chairman: Gert-Jan Jansen
Secretary: Jan-Hein Duijn
Treasurer: Rene Peerboom
Officer of External Relations: Anke Wijnen
Educational Officer/International Activities: Peter Boom
Officer of Congress: Mark van Engelen
Officer of International Studytour: Arthur van Schijndel
Project Manager: Marko Vreeswijk
The 28th
Chairman: Francois Olsthoorn
Secretary: Dirk-Jan van Sleeuwen
Treasurer/Officer of External Relations:
Erik Jansen
Educational Officer/International Activities:
Lars van Zomeren
Officer of Congress: Job Sonke
Officer of International Studytour:
Patricia van Dongen
Project Manager: Joost Mutsaers
The 27th
Chairman: Martin Nieboer
Secretary/Officer of National Excursions:
Ivo Franssen
Treasurer: Paul van Dongen
Officer of External Relations/BDK-Bulletin:
Manuella Wilts
Educational Officer/International Activities:
Marlies van Laarhoven
Officer of Congress: Harm Langen
Officer of International Studytour:
Sidney Persoon
Project Manager: Joost Bekker
The 26th
Chairman: Jan-Wim Dekker
Secretary: Marcel Snoeren
Treasurer: Martin Nieboer
Treasurer: Martin Kroon
Officer of External Relations/BDK-Bulletin:
Judith Schoenmaeckers
Educational Officer: René Geltink
Officer of International Studytour:Marco Aarts
Officer of National Excursions:
Annemarie ter Heijne
Project Manager: Frank van Cleef
The 25th
Chairman/Officer of National Excursions:
Willem van Wierst
Chairman (Interim): Joost Bogaers
Vice-Chairman/Lustrum Manager:
Maarten Durville
Secretary/Treasurer: Hans Seegers
Educational Officer/BDK-Bulletin:
Rob Rozendal
Officer of Congress: Lorenz Casteleijn
Officer of International Studytour:
George Berkhof
Project Manager: Gertie Pennings
The 24th
Chairman/Educational Officer: Frank van Dorst
Chairman (Interim): Michiel Verdonk
Secretary/Treasurer: Paul van Rooij
Officer of Congress: Robert Hermans
Officer of International Studytour: Werner Rutten
Officer of National Excursions: Roy Lieshout
Project Manager: Marion Braks
BDK-Bulletin: Joost Bogaers
The 23rd
Chairman: Ed Monchen
Secretary/Treasurer: Gerlof van den Haak
Officer of Congress: Ed van Rhijn
Educational Officer: Jacque Croes
Officer of International Studytour:
Radboud van Delft
Officer of National Excursions: Tom Voeten
Project Manager: Marc Teeuwsen
BDK-Bulletin: Michiel Verdonk
The 22nd
Chairman: Jacob Biermond
Vice-Chairman/Officer of National Excursions:
Wim Schrijvers
Secretary/Treasurer: Ad Vermeulen
Educational Officer: Léon Peters
Officer of International Studytour:
Radboud van Delft
Project Manager: Peter Dirne
BDK-Bulletin: Ed Monchen
The 21st
Chairman: Frank Benthem
Secretary/Treasurer: Jean-Louis Colen
Educational Officer: Jacob Biemond
Officer of International Studytour: Wim Schrijver
Officer of National Excursions:
Han Bouwmeesters
Project Manager: Peter Huybers
BDK-Bulletin: Karin Spittka
The 20th
Chairman: Piet Mingels
Secretary/Treasurer: Frank Benthem
Educational Officer: Corné Dirne
Officer of International Studytour:
Han Bouwmeesters
Officer of National Excursions:
Mattijs van Merle
Project Manager: Hans Candel
Project Manager: Bert de Jonge
Officer of Lustrum/BDK-Bulletin: Peter Stoffels
The 19th
Chairman: Herman Mandigers
Secretary/Treasurer: Bernard Musters
Educational Officer: Piet Mingels
Officer of Excursions: Michiel Jacobs
Officer of Materials/International Studytour:
Mattijs van Merle
Project Manager: Jeu Debats
Project Manager: Lex Hemels
The 18th
Chairman: Christian Schäfer
Secretary/Treasurer: Bernard Musters
Educational Officer: Ton van de Wakker
Officer of Excursions: Gert-Jan van Dommelen
Officer of Materials: Herman Mandigers
Project Manager: Piet Evers
Project Manager: Jaap van Vaardegem
The 17th
Chairman: Tini Coppens
Secretary/Treasurer: Erica Rietveld
Educational Officer: Christian Schäfer
Officer of Excursions: Lex van der Heijden
Officer of Materials: Gert-Jan van Dommelen
Project Manager: Luc Kenter
The 16th
Chairman: Frans Machielsen
Secretary: Frans van der Steen
Treasurer: Erica Rietveld
Educational Officer: Tini Coppens
Project Limpens: André Limpen
The 15th
Chairman: Hans Mestrom
Secretary: Wim Ceelen
Treasurer: Kees van Dun
General: Simon Bambach
The 14th
Chairman: Guus de Vries
Vice-Chairman: Jan Peters
Secretary: Simon Bambach
Treasurer: Wim Ceelen
Educational Officer: Kees van Dun
Officer of Literature: Hans Mestrom
The 13th
Chairman: Guus de Vries
Vice-Chairman/Treasurer: Rembrandt Knip
Secretary: Cees van der Slikke
Educational Officer: Jan Peters
Officer of Literature: Joost Simons
The 12th
Chairman: Ed van Dam
Vice-Chairman: Carlo d’Agnolo
Secretary: Marjo van Dam-Kraak
Treasurer: Ruud van der Lans
Officer of International Excursions: Leo Haanappel
Officer of National Excursions: André Bergmans
Officer of Literature: Winfried van der Bom
The 11th
Chairman: Ed van Dam
Vice-Chairman: Hans Schraven
Secretary: Marjo van Dam-Kraak
Treasurer: Ruud van der Lans
Educational Officer: Carlo d’Agnolo
Officer of Excursions/Literature: Leo Haanappel
The 10th
Chairman: Frans Schmeits
Secretary/Treasurer: Frank Adriaenssen
Educational Officer: René Bouwman
Officer of Literature: Daniël Ofman
The 9th
Contact Person: Jaap Geenen
Contact Person: Casper van Dongen
The 8th
Contact Person: Jaap Geenen
Contact Person: Casper van Dongen
The 7th
Vice-President/Secretary: Henk Koning
Vice-President/Treasurer: Jan Schuling
Educational Officer: Jan Hillege
Officer of Literature: Frans van Alebeek
The 6th
President: Geert Poeth
Vice-President: Jan Peters
Vice-President: Adri Kostense
The 5th
President: Hans van der Lans
Vice-President: Leo Kroon
Vice-President: Boris Nelissen
The 4th
President: Tom Donders
Vice-President: Leo Speetjens
Vice-President: Cees Renes
The 3rd
President: Ton Donders
Vice-President: Leo Speetjens
Vice-President: Cees Renes
The 2nd
President: Jos Bedet
Vice-President: Sjir Nijssen
Vice-President: Willem de Waard
The 1st
President: Jos Bedet
Vice-President: Sjir Nijssen
Vice-President: Karel Wijshoff