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What is estiem

ESTIEM is a non-profit non-political organization for European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, who combine technological understanding with management skills. ESTIEM is a strong network represented by 77 Local Groups across Europe, reaching more than 60 000 students. All these independently functioning local student associations organize Europe-wide and local activities and represent ESTIEM in their universities. This is C.I.T.I. for students of Industrial Engineering students in Eindhoven.


ESTIEM was founded in 1990 in Eindhoven and its main goal is to establish and foster relations between students and to support them in their personal and professional development. They aim to be the connector of IEM Students with an IEM Europe where an IEM Europe is the ecosystem of companies, universities, organizations and other entities interested in the field of IEM.

ESTIEM organizes up to 180 events every year and similarly to Industria, they can be divided into 4 main categories. These categories are academic events, career events, cultural events and personal events. If you become a member of Industria, you also become a member of C.I.T.I. and hence ESTIEM. This means that you can apply to all ESTIEM events that are organized. More information about ESTIEM and the events that are organized can be found at If you want more explanation on how to apply for ESTIEM events, you can find it here.


Moreover, when you travel to an ESTIEM event, you can get up to € 85,00 reimbursed. For this, you need a document from the organizing local group mentioning your name, the participation fee and the event. The full reimbursement policy can be found here. If you have any questions regarding the reimbursement, do not hesitate to send an email to   

Academic events

During an academic event you will gain knowledge on certain topics. These events range from lean six sigma trainings to events where you will gain in-dept knowledge on a specific topic. These topics can be anything industrial engineering related; from the development of AI to making your production methods more environmentally friendly.

Career events

During career events you will practise your career skills and learn how to become an entrepreneur. This is done by competing in case competitions (TIMES) or gaining practical experience, like being a project manager for 5 days.

cultural events

Do you want to broaden your cultural horizon and get a unique insight into the differences between European countries? Then this is the event for you! When you attend a cultural event, you will gain a lot of knowledge about a country and its culture, politics and economics in one week.

Personal events

Grow on a personal level by training your soft skills and learn more about your inner motivations during a personal event. During these events you will learn a lot about yourself, and work on skills that are useful in life, for instance during BrainTrainers which range from marketing; innovation and design to learning how to learn.

What can you do within estiem

Take a look and see what opportunities there are for you. Depending on what event you’re going to, you will have a week full of lectures on a specific topic, trainings on personal skills, fun activities like city tours and of course awesome parties. On these events, people from all around Europe are gathered with the same goal and are eager to meet you. If you have any questions, you can always send an e-mail to

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